Liste des dons


Riccardo DePalma

Thanks again for taking on this challenge for this cause.
4 months ago


Madeleine Forest

Quel belle cause
4 months ago


Chantal Turgeon

GoGoGo!! Bravo!!
4 months ago


Roxane Forest

Go Denis go
4 months ago


Sam Segal

Appreciate all the hard work the cyclist are doing for all the men who have gone through prostate cancer , . and all the men who will be bettered prepared with correct screening. I am 11!years cancer free. GET TESTED , it can save your life.
4 months ago


Claude Chouinard

Beau geste !
4 months ago


Geoff Herod

Denis, what a great cause to support. Best of luck
4 months ago


sophie goulet

4 months ago


Richard Lespérance

Lâche pas Marc on est avec toi, tu fais une excellente job. Et j’espère pouvoir un jour rouler à tes côtés
4 months ago


Benoit Chouinard

Bravo Marc pour cette initiative!
4 months ago


Judy Ryan

What a great way to raise money for a good cause. Go Forbes!
4 months ago


George Manousos

4 months ago


Joël Fortin

Go Marc!
4 months ago


François Lanthier

4 months ago


ben Ledoux

Merci Serge de t’impliquer ainsi!
4 months ago