On the road to the Ride of Hope!

In 2025, PROCURE's CEO, Laurent Proulx, is embarking on a challenge in honour of the 45th anniversary of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope!  In partnership with PROCURE and the Terry Fox Foundation, he will be one of 12 Canadians who will take on this audacious challenge, with the common goal of realizing Terry's dream of a world without cancer.

Over 32 days, cyclists will travel an average of 250 km per day, from Vancouver (British Columbia) to St. John’s (Newfoundland and Labrador), covering nearly 7,000 km.


June 9 to July 10, 2025

Interested in supporting the PROCURE CEO Challenge?

Laurent Proulx intends to dedicate each day of his challenge to a man affected by prostate cancer. He will cycle in his honour and share his story to raise awareness of prostate cancer. To see the list of the 32 days of the challenge: click here!
